Course Intended Learning Outcomes:
- 1. Describe BIM concept definitions and scope, BIM standards and guidelines in Hong Kong and Global contexts.
- 2. Explain BIM softwares and the modelling processes and describe current and upcoming technologies.
- 3. Understand BIM uses, apply BIM software applications, set up and manage the overall process of BIM projects.
- 4. Execute and administer the operation of a common data environment and data quality control system for effective use and sharing of digital information in BIM projects.
- 5. Control system for effective use and sharing of digital information in BIM projects, and describe commercial and financial issues of BIM, and BIM-related contractual issues.
Module 1 – BIM Initiation:
- BIM definitions and terminologies.
- The difference between 2D CAD, 3D CAD, BIM.
- Concepts of BIM as whole project perspective.
- The values and benefits of adopting BIM.
- The values of BIM for AM & FM.
- Collaborative working in BIM.
- Limitations of BIM.
- Challenges within existing working practices & how BIM addresses them.
- How BIM affects the current practice in ACEO industry.
BIM concepts.
- Local BIM standards & resources.
- CIC BIM standard.
- Government BIM standards & resources.
- Global contexts in BIM development.
- Global BIM standards & resources.
- ISO 19650
- BIM FORUM LOD Specifications.
- Understand OpenBIM
Local & Global contexts of BIM standards and guidelines.
- Overview of industry leading BIM softwares.
- Characteristics, file formats, strength, and limitations of industry leading BIM softwares.
- Versions and file formats.
- Interoperability across industry leading BIM softwares
BIM Softwares.
- Internet & Cloud.
- Laser scanning & photogrammetry.
- GIS.
- IoT, mobile and smart devices.
- VDC.
- Gaming technology in BIM.
- Robotics.
- Programming, automation and API.
- MIC & DfMA.
- Indoor positioning.
Technology Trend.
- Values of data & how it should be managed.
- Interoperate data/information to facilitate cross-disciplinary and cross-BIM platform collaboration.
- Limitations of BIM softwares in relation to information management.
- Determine level of development in the context of graphics and information in different stages.
- Determine level of integration of digital information into asset & facility management.
- Oversee the process and quality of information exchange such as IFC/BCF/COBie, etc.
TDigital Information Management.
- Overview of CDE.
- Overview of common CDE platforms in market.
- Set up of CDE.
- Assessment/Management of CDE.
- Limitations of CDE.
Common Data Environment (CDE).
Module 2 – BIM Project Workflow and Management:
- Determine BIM strategies, BIM uses, BIM processes.
- Determine Key personnel in relation to BIM and their roles and responsibilities.
- Determine the information management & CDE strategies.
- Determine BIM/AIM/GIS strategies.
- Determine level of Development in context of graphics and information.
- Determine level of integration of digital information into asset & facility management.
- Case Study
Client BIM Strategic Stage.
- Determine & oversee the development of Client Information Model (CIM).
- Organizational Information Requirements (OIRs).
- Asset Information Requirements (AIRs).
- Employers Information Requirements (EIR).
- Determine project technology & systems requirement & integration
- Determine project delivery requirements.
- Determine soft landings approach.
- Contract & consultancy requirements.
- Assessment on supply chain capability & capacity (Tender Assessment).
- Case study.
Client Pre-tender Project Stage.
- BIM Execution Plan developed by supply chain.
- Pre-contract BIM Project Execution Plan.
- Post-contract BIM Project Execution Plan.
- Supervision in fulfilling BIM uses in planning & design stages listed in CIC BIM Standards.
- Project Information Model (PIM) data exchanges and validation.
- BIM PIM files set up.
- BIM origin point & orientation set up.
- Model division.
- Modelling methodology.
- Project-based industry and BIM standards.
- Direct BIM related meetings.
- Case Study
Definition & Design Stage.
- BIM Execution Plan developed by supply chain.
- Pre-contract BIM Project Execution Plan.
- Post-contract BIM Project Execution Plan.
- Supervision in fulfilling BIM uses in construction &handover stages listed in CIC BIM Standards.
- Project Information Model (PIM) data exchanges and validation.
- Direct BIM related meetings.
- Case Study
Construction Stage.
- As-built information verification.
- Oversee data transfer from PIM to Asset Information Model (AIM).
- Supervision in fulfilling BIM uses in handover stage listed in CIC BIM Standards.
- Case study.
Handover Stage.
- Update Assets Information Model (AIM).
- Roles, responsibilities and authorities for maintaining the AIM.
- Post occupancy evaluation.
- Case Study
Operation & Maintenance Stage.
Module 3 – BIM Digital Information Management, BIM Commercial and Contract:
- System checking.
- Model audit.
- Model checking.
- Audit reporting.
Data Quality Control & Assurance across various stages.
- Establishing BIM ready Environment to support the corporate.
- BIM strategy in organization level.
- Challenges in BIM implementation.
- Phases in BIM implementation.
- Hardware requirements for BIM.
- Software requirements for BIM.
- Manpower management for BIM.
- Staff plan, recruitment.
- Staff training.
- Promotion of adopting BIM in office/to clients.
- Values and benefits of adopting BIM.
- Values and benefits of data and information from BIM.
- Evaluation of Return on Investments (ROI) of adopting BIM.
Commercial Issues.
- Ownership of data.
- Intellectual property rights.
- Legal implications and potential liabilities.
- Professional indemnity.
- Introduction of NEC.
- Commercial implications for contracts & insurances in relation to BIM.
Contract Issues.
Benny Chan
《BIM Revit 建築工程繪圖專業證書》畢業生
Jessica Wong
1) 因報名人數眾多,歡迎各同學/機構填寫以下「報讀意向表格」。本校課程主任會直接聯絡同學。
2) 如同學有任何初步查詢,可直接Whatsapp:98170575 (24小時查詢) / 電話 : 3565 6724
地址: 旺角 廣華街48號 廣發商業中心14樓02-04室
電話 : 3565 6724
(電郵:info@hkiai.com.hk / Whatsapp: 9817 0575)
感謝各界對本校畢業生支持,不少僱主有意聘用本校畢業生。 如本校畢業學員有意申請以下職位空缺或各界僱主有意聘用本校畢業生,請電郵至job@hkiai.com.hk。
職位:BIM Technician
- Prepare BIM Models, graphic images, photogrammetry images, construction method simulation (CMS) and 4D model simulation (4DMS) at different project stages.
- Maintain up-to-date document control of design and construction drawings, specifications and project schedules for 4DMS.
- Assist project team to resolve design conflicts / clashes identified during BIM coordination
- iploma or above in Building Studies, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical or Building Services Engineering or construction-related disciplines
- Proficient in use of BIM software, including Revit, Civil 3D Navisworks, etc.
- Minimum 1-year hands-on experience in BIM Model production in design or construction projects.
- Previous experience in working with Main Contractor would be an advantage.
職位: Draftsman繪圖員
- Assist in preparing 2D layout and 3D shop image drawings
- Design and fitting out co-ordination with related parties
- Enhance store image and design to attract customers.
- Mon to Friday 9:00am to 6pm
- Certificate or Diploma holder in Interior Design, Engineering or related discipline
- Proficiency in AutoCAD; with 3D drawing skills is an advantage
- Self-motivated, excellent problem solving skill, independent and able to meet tight schedule.
- 1 year's relevant working experience is preferred
職位:Designer ( Event / Exhibition / Illustration)
公司:JNC Wedding Company Limited
- Building 2D and 3D design works
- Concept developing
- Structural drawing, floor plan & elevations, construction details and material specifications
- Diploma or above in exhibition design or related discipline
- 1 - 2 years of relevant working experience
- Fresh Graduate will also be considered
- Passionate, creative & excellent sense in design, 3D & 2D
- Able to interpret & communicate clients' idea
- Proficient in 3Ds Max / Sketchup, Autocad, Adobe Illustrator, photoshop
- Strong Creative & conceptual skill with feasible resourceful sense
- Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
職位:Project Coordinator 項目統籌
公司:Pro-Fit Industrial Co. Ltd
- AutoCAD Drawing
- Site visiting
- Form 5 or above, IVE, Polytechnic graduate or equivalent
- Proficiency in AutoCAD, Internet, and PC (Word and Excel) skills
- Knowledge in 3D is preferable
- 3 years related working experience
- Outdoor work is need
公司:Global Link Creation Limited
- 跟單、畫圖、外出度尺
- 協助同事、跟進客人要求、有責任心及耐性
- 中五程度、良好語文
- 懂AutoCAD、3D繪圖優先
- 上午9時至下午6時、5天工作
- 每月$8,000 - $12,000
職位: BIM Coordinator / Assistant BIM Coordinator
- Coordinate, using BIM Models as a vehicle at regular intervals, with different stakeholders, including clients, design consultants and internal project team members for smooth execution and delivery of project BIM scope
- Develop project BIM scope with project team
- Monitor and report performance at Project level against agreed plans
- Support Project BIM-in-Charge to perform his/her duties
- Diploma or above in Building Studies, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical or Building Services Engineering or construction-related disciplines
- Proficient in use of BIM software, including Revit, Civil 3D Navisworks, etc.
- Minimum 1-year hands-on experience in BIM Model production in design or construction projects.
- Previous experience in working with Main Contractor would be an advantage.
職位: 繪圖員
公司:Arco City Co-work & Business Centre
- 懂室内設計電腦軟件程式AutoCAD Drawing, 3D繪圖及Sketchup Vray,設計概念及施工圖
- 懂電腦繪圖軟件AutoCAD & Sketchup Vray
- 1-2年相關經驗
- 上班時間:9:00 a.m. – 6:00p.m.
- 上班地區:灣仔
- 薪金:$9000 - $12000
職位:Draftsman/ Junior Draftsman
公司:DADA (Hong Kong) Limited
- AutoCAD Drawing
- Diploma holders in Interior Design or equivalent.
- 1-2 years relevant experience in drawing, fitting out or renovation projects on kitchen cabinets
- Must be good computer knowledge in AutoCAD.
- Self-initiative, energetic, good interpersonal and communication skills
- Fresh graduates and/or less experienced candidates will be considered as Junior Draftsman
- We offer 5 days work and an attractive remuneration package to the right candidate.
職位:Draftsman 繪圖員
公司:T.O.P Contracting Ltd
- AutoCAD and 3D drawing
- Able to handle general plans and working drawing
- Certificate Diploma holder in Interior Design
- 1 year working experience in fit-out works or relevant field preferable
- Good connections with customers and design contractor
- Creative, independent, self-motivated & hardworking
- Proficient in AutoCad & perspective drawing, 3D rendering preferable
- Prefer have valid Construction Industry Safety Card (平安咭)
- 於地盤寫字樓協助繪圖員工作
- 中五學歷
- 懂電腦繪圖軟件 AutoCAD
- 有基本工程知識及對工程圖有一定理解
- 本校為Autodesk、Sketchup及VRay三大官方認可學校-由官方認證導師教授。
- 本校導師由富經驗的設計師及工程師擔任,絕非普通電腦學校導師可比。
- 就業導向-學員在課後需花時間鍛鍊課堂學過的圖紙,設計不同單位,儲好作品集;再配合本校的職業轉介,定能就業。
- 本校為連續7年全港最多學生選報-室內設計學校及AutoCAD課程,致力為業界培育人才,絕不濫收高昂學費,已培訓超過4000名畢業生。
- 切勿報讀非官方及業界認可課程,證書不獲承認,影響工作及就業機會。
3. 修畢課程成效如何?
- 畢業學員除獲頒業界證書及AutoCAD/3D/BIM Revit官方證書外,更掌握職場繪圖技巧。學員不只懂得如何使用軟件,更能利用軟件製作客人、廠方所需圖紙。
- 本校課程內容是市場上僱主及客人所認可的,畢業生深受室內設計及建築工程公司歡迎,職位轉介空缺亦是全港最多。
5. 坊間眾多電腦學校AutoCAD / 3D課程,本校課程有何分別?
- 本校AutoCAD課程是《香港專業室內設計師協會》唯一認可AutoCAD課程
- 完成AutoCAD及3D Sketchup課程可報讀獨家免費進階課程,幫助就業 。
- 坊間電腦學校只採用一大疊複雜英文筆記,學員難吸收之餘,與香港室內設計及建築工程市場相關度極低。如您是工程師傅/判頭,單看一堆英文教材,難以活用在工作。
- 因此,本校使用精闢中文筆記, 以本地不同設計作案例,令學員學懂得AutoCAD/3D圖紙化為現實工程 ,即學即用。
7. 本校BIM Revit課程與坊間BIM課程有何分別?
- 本校是全港唯一同時獲Autodesk Revit及VRay官方認可學校,畢業同學可獲兩張專業認可證書。
- 獨家教授VRay於Revit的進階3D建築效果圖技術,唯一BIM Revit課程設有中文筆記
- 為普及BIM應用,本校雙證書課程學費$1,880,絕不濫收高昂學費。課程包括兩年免費重溫、免費補課及免費學生版全功能Revit學生版軟件。
2. 我希望入行從事室內設計或建築工程,在電腦學校報讀AutoCAD課程足夠嗎?
- 請同學想一想。只懂運用AutoCAD,但你懂得運用AutoCAD在室內設計及建築工程的工作嗎?
- 你懂得利用AutoCAD出傢俬圖、派磚圖、木工圖、電燈圖嗎?你知道現時香港客人在設計及工程上的要求嗎?
- 同學不要浪費時間,修讀一個四十多個小時的AutoCAD課程,您認為單憑「精通」AutoCAD就可以入行?絕對不能!
4. 課程質素保證?
- 本校為AutoCAD, Revit及VRay Sketchup三大官方認可學校-由官方認證導師教授。
- 全港獨家:所有課程兩年免費重溫,保證每位學員掌握繪圖技巧; 免費補堂,確保學員學習進度
6. Sketchup配Vray為何能快速輕易繪畫3D效果圖?
- 相比其他3D軟件,Sketchup操作簡單,配以Vray渲染及Photoshop製作,學員能短時間繪畫高質素效果圖,是入行必備技術。
- 本校是全港唯一官方認可獨家教授 Sketchup配Vray軟件應用。
- 眾多現職設計師及企業報讀本校3D課程,3D課程畢業學員已超過一千名。
8. 課堂時間安排?
- 日間課程:密集式操練,一星期五課、每課3小時
- 夜間課程:為在職朋友而設,一星期一至兩課、每課3小時
- 周六及周日課程:一星期一課、每課3小時,方便學員在假日增值